CancerFund Pink Revolution 2014 campaign launched

24 September 2014

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Hong Kong and the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women. Committed to reducing this statistic, CancerFund’s annual Pink Revolution campaign aims to increase the rate of early detection and raise funds for its free breast cancer support services.
The 2014 campaign was developed with Hong Kong branding company Stepworks.
Working closely with the CancerFund team, Stepworks helped devise a two-pronged concurrent campaign to get the message out. One component of the campaign targeted women aged 25 plus with the message to regularly self-check for early warning signs of breast cancer. The other component encouraged a broader audience to join the campaign and support the primary fundraising event, Dress Pink Day.   
The campaign featured celebrities Coco Lee and Fala Chen, and spanned Hong Kong’s most popular mass and digital channels. Elements included TVCpromotional video, outdoor, print and banners. 
Below-the-line deliverables included premium gifts, educational leaflets, advertorials and PR event support.
The campaign kicked off on September 23 at Miramar Shopping Centre in Tsimshatsui.

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