Charity fundraising event levels up their game with HK branding agency

14 January 2018

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation raises awareness of the difficulties differently-abled people face daily. During the event, participants get a taste of life without vital senses and abilities in a series of task-based challenges. Disabled people and their carers are on-hand to share their experiences. 
The Society engaged Hong Kong branding agency Stepworks, on a pro-bono basis, to raise awareness of the event and enhance its appeal. An important objective of the initiative was to make the event more attractive to sponsors.
Say it with cartoons
Previously named Barrier Breakers, Stepworks renamed the event Barrier Busters to raise its fun factor. The Stepworks team also rethought the cast of mascot characters that represent each of the challenges. Sightless Ringo relies on his ears to help him see, while Yolo can’t talk, compensating by celebrating her other senses. The characters became softer, friendlier and more accessible.
The Society’s decision makers were delighted with the new direction. They were even more pleased when the event met its fundraising target, the most ambitious to date. The thoughtful initiative, fortified by its new sensitive and approachable design, encouraged Stepworks team members to join the event too.

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