Swire Pacific teams with brand builders to develop digital sustainability report

29 July 2019

Readers of this year’s report can interact with visualised data, download preferred sections and compare trends from previous reports

The diversified conglomerate Swire Pacific enlisted Hong Kong branding agency Stepworks once again to create their online sustainability report.

Swire Pacific has a strong track record of reporting on their commitments to sustainability across their businesses. The group seeks to continuously build resilience as they create value for stakeholders. They prioritise enhancing their approach to reporting in accordance with stakeholder interests, global reporting standards and new coverage within emerging areas of sustainability.

Building on their experience with last year’s report, the Hong Kong-based branding agency Stepworks helped Swire Pacific develop a site with enhanced design, usability and interactivity.

“Building resilience...

The Stepworks team designed the site to complement the visual identity of Swire Pacific’s Annual Report. The site used a similar colour scheme, while the unique typography used in the Annual Report helped signpost the sustainability report’s content hierarchy.

Stepworks also led the copywriting for the report’s wealth of content. This included more in-depth copy for case studies and leaders’ statements, and micro-copy for navigation buttons and headlines. A clear, concise writing style ensured effective readability and understanding.

...creating value”

Stepworks developed new tools to make the site more useful for the target audiences. An interactive report builder enables users to select relevant sections to extract as their own customised PDF. Meanwhile, Swire’s materiality matrices were redesigned as an interactive grid system to explore sustainability issues by category with respect to stakeholder interest.

Following the site’s launch, Stepworks created a digital summary of report highlights for Swire Pacific to share with their audiences of investors, green groups and internal staff on their sustainability efforts for 2018.

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