Vision statement and buy-in as a brand building process

5 May 2022

Vision statement and buy-in as a brand building process
Writing an inspiring vision statement that people will buy into can be a challenge

Time and time again throughout history leaders have emerged who can move people to achieve extraordinary feats.

Often great sacrifices are involved.

Powerful leaders get buy-in from followers by vividly expressing a positive future state that is worth striving together for.

Modern business leaders seek to leverage this principle with the vision statement and related ideas.

Can you buy-in to this vision?

A strong vision can deliver positive value across many dimensions of an organisation.

So why are so many corporate vision statements uninspiring, irrelevant and easily forgotten?
Hong Kong-based global branding agency Stepworks has posted an article that examines this topic through a brand-builder’s lens.

The article, Get buy-in for your vision with branding can be read here.

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